
Scholarship Program

In Guatemala...

  • 59% of youth complete 9th grade
  • 18% enrollment in Higher Education

Under 30% of indigenous girls are enrolled in secondary education in rural/poor areas. 

In rural communities school supplies, fees, and uniforms can be too much for the average poor family's income, thus contributing to the alarmingly high dropout rates.

Being in Guatemala and seeing the real life heartbreaking stories of smart young kids in the community, we decided to act!


In 2015, we decided to start the scholarship program which partners with families unable to support their children's desire to continue their education. We financially provide students with scholarships that are to the school on the students behalf.

We develop and maintain relationships with each family we partner with. 

Our Investment Numbers to date

  •  $28,650 Invested through scholarships
  • 47 Students Reached